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Fried Cabbage with Cumin | Bavarian Flavours |

Fried Cabbage

Fried Cabbage is so good. It is amazing that the older you get the more you crave foods that you point blank refused to eat as a child. I absolutely adore cabbage as an adult and here is a recipe I was shown whilst staying with friends in Germany some years ago. 

By just adding a little Onion, Garlic and Cumin Seeds to the Cabbage during preparation really enhances the flavour of this traditional favourite.

Fried Cabbage

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By Marc Spendlove-Kruger Serves: 4
Prep Time: 10 Minutes Cooking Time: 10 minutes

With this basic recipe for Fried Cabbage, you can really start getting creative. Add some finely sliced orange and orange zest for an Island flavor. Or if serving Pork grate a little apple into the onions for a nice accompaniment.


  • 1 large Cabbage shredded All varieties work with this recipe
  • 1 Onion finely sliced
  • A glug of Olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic sliced
  • 1 Tsp whole cumin seeds
  • 1 Pinch of red chili flakes Optional
  • Pepper and Salt to taste



Trim outer leaves off cabbage and cut cabbage in half lengthwise. Cut out and discard core, and cut crosswise into long, thin shreds with a sharp knife.


Now wash the Cabbage and let drain in a colander. This will leave enough water on the leaves to wilt the cabbage.


Heat the olive oil in a wide, but shallow pan over high heat.


When hot, add the cumin, and garlic and "roast" in the oil without burning.


When seeds begin to pop add the onion and stir until soft and lightly golden


Add cabbage and pepper to taste


Toss occasionally to prevent sticking or burning at the bottom.


Depending on how much crunch you like, cook for about 3-5 minutes

Get Creative

With this basic recipe for Fried Cabbage, you can really start getting creative. Add some finely sliced orange and orange zest for an Island flavour. Or if serving Pork grate a little apple into the onions for a nice accompaniment.

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Or serve with these great main courses:

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Wine Matching

This is a very highly flavoured dish due to the herbs and spices used in the stuffing. We chose a Christophe et Fils Chablis 2018. It’s a classic with most fish dishes, but it has enough body and strength to stand up to a little bit of chicken tandoori if you have a taste for it. it suits the cabbage perfectly. Available from Naked Wines.

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